The edible and game birds of British India with its dependencies and Ceylon
Published by Trübner and Co., London, England.
James Alexander Murray was a British 19th century zoologist and museum curator in Karachi. He was a Member of the Bombay Natural History Society and Anthropological Society of Bombay, a manager at the Victoria Natural History Institute and curator at the Kurrachee Municipal Library and Museum.
The publication of this work is a fulfilment of the promise held out in the August (1887) number of the Indian Annals and Mazagine (sic) of Natural Science (a monthly periodical then conducted by me for the Victoria Natural History Institute) to issue a series of works on the Fauna and Flora of the various Presidencies and Provinces in India. It is the second of the series, and has, owing to the subject falling within the limits of the Avifauna of India, and to the similarity of the labour involved in completing the larger work, taken the place of what was begun in the Annals, viz. "The Reptiles of Western India, including Sind," which awaits further materials. It was only at the repeated requests of a number of subscribers to my "Avifauna of British India," as well as of sportsmen and others, that the additional labour was undertaken, it having been shown that volumes of 1,000 and more pages would be an encumbrance to them in their Shikar travels, which now, from the southern ...
More information can be found inside the Preface of this book.