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the avifauna of british india and its dependenciesThe avifauna of British India and its dependencies

a systematic account, with descriptions of all the known species of birds inhabiting British India, observations on their habits, nidification, &c., tables of their geographical distribution in Persia, Beloochistan, Afghanistan, Sind, Punjab, N.W. provinces, and the peninsular of India generally, with woodcuts, lithographs, and coloured illustrations

Volumes 1-2

James Alexander Murray

Published by Trübner and Co., Lindon, England.



James Alexander Murray was a British 19th century zoologist and museum curator in Karachi. He was a Member of the Bombay Natural History Society and Anthropological Society of Bombay, a manager at the Victoria Natural History Institute and curator at the Kurrachee Municipal Library and Museum.

LED on by friends, correspondents and working field and cabinet Ornithologists, as well as by the successes of all my previously published books, I began this work, which, it is hoped, will be found a useful Manual to the student and to those interested enquirers to whom hitherto a descriptive monograph of all the Birds known to inhabit British India and its dependencies was a desideratum. It is purely in- tended as a means to the acquirement of a better knowledge of the Avian inhabitants of British India and its dependencies, by furnishing under a generally accepted classification, and within a moderate compass, the ordinal, generic and specific descriptions of all the known species, including all the discoveries made subsequent to the publication of the late Dr. Jerdon's work, and thus rendering greater facilities to the student of the Ornis of the British Indian Empire. In every instance where a sufficiently large series of specimens was not available to me for description, and where ...

More information can be found inside the Preface of this book.

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