Taxonomic literature
Volumes 1-7 & Supplements 1-8
Richard Sumner Cowan,
Erik Albert Mennega,
Laurence J. Dorr &
Dan Henry Nicolson
Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema Utrecht, The Netherlands &
A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., Germany and others ...
Taxonomic Literature: a selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and type also known as TL-2, is an indispensable and essential resource that supports the research of systematic botanists and zoologists. In addition, TL-2 is an important reference tool in the science information field for librarians and information professionals working in Botany and other life sciences. Its coverage is international providing bibliographic analyses of works in many languages including English, French, German, and Latin. Overall, TL-2 provides the most comprehensive bibliographical and biographical coverage for systematic botany literature published between 1753 and 1940.
Work laying the foundation for TL-2 began in the 1950's when Dutch botanist Frans A. Stafleu (1921-1997) created a card index of plant taxonomic literature to aid in the editing of the fourth edition of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature and the compilation of an Index Nominum Genericorum (an index of plant generic names). In 1964, the American botanist Grady Webster (1927-2005) while visiting ...
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