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Norman Loftus Bor

Published by Oxford University Press, Bombay, India.



Norman Loftus Bor (2 May 1893 – 22 December 1972) was an Irish botanist. He was awarded the Linnean Medal of the Linnean Society in 1962. Bor was born in Tramore, County Waterford in Eire in 1893 the son of E.C.N. Bor and Mabel Thornton. His wife died in 1957. They had no children. He died in London in 1972.

He studied at Kilkenny and Mountjoy School in Dublin. He then received a BA at Dublin University before travelling to Scotland to obtain a BSc at Edinburgh University in 1921. On graduating he received a post in the Indian Forest Service where he worked until 1946.[4] During this period (in 1931) he married Eleanor Constance Rundall. During the First World War he served in the Connaught Rangers in France, Greece and Palestine. He was wounded in 1916. In 1946 he returned to Britain, and in 1948 took the post of Assistant Director of Kew Gardens in London. He held this post until 1959 when he retired. In 1962 the Linnean Society awarded him their gold medal, the highest recognition a botanist can

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The standard author abbreviation used to indicate this person as the author, when citing a botanical name: Bor

323 plant species named BY Bor and 36 plant species named AFTER Bor.

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323 Plant species named BY Bor

The following 323 plant species names have been described and named BY Bor (Bor)


Acroceras tonkinense (Balansa) C.E.Hubb. in Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 78 (1938).

Agropyron haifense (Melderis) Bor, in R.D. Meikle, Fl. Cyprus 2: 1818, 1897 (1985): (1985).

Agrostis agrostidiformis (Roshev.) Bor, in Arbok Univ. Berg., Mat.-Nat. 1963, No. 18, 34 (1964).

Agrostis burmanica Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 416 (1958).

Agrostis clemensiorum Bor, Journ. Ind. Bot. Soc. xlii. A. 12 (1963).

Agrostis debilis (Hook.f.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 387 (1960).

Agrostis griffithiana (Hook.f.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 387 (1960).

Agrostis himalayana Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 269 (1953).

Agrostis mackliniae Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 417 (1958).

Agrostis nagensis Bor, Kew Bull. 9(3): 497 (1954).

Agrostis olympica (Boiss.) Bor, in Arbok Univ. Berg., Mat.-Nat. 1961, No. 2, 4 (1961).

Agrostis poluninii Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 269 (1953).

Agrostis schmidii (Hook.f.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 389 (1960).

Agrostis sikkimensis Bor, Kew Bull. 9(3): 502 (1954).

Agrostis stewartii Bor, Kew Bull. 11(2): 255 (1956).

Agrostis triaristata (Hook.f.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 391 (1960).

Agrostis wardii Bor, Kew Bull. 4(3): 444 (1949).

Alopecurus davisii Bor, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 25: 63 (1963).

Andropogon burmanicus Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 688 (1960).

Andropogon polyptychos var. deccanensis Bor ex Clayton, Kew Bull. 27(3): 448 (1972).

Anthoxanthum siamense Bor, Journ. Ind. Bot. Soc. xlii. A. 10 (1963).

Apocopis anomalus Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 415 (1958).

Apocopis burmanicus V.Naray. ex Bor, Kew Bull. 6(2): 169 (1951).

Apocopis floccosus Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 414 (1958).

Apocopis peguensis Bor, Kew Bull. 4(1): 28 (1949).

Apocopis pulcherrimus Bor, Kew Bull. 6(2): 168 (1951).

Arthraxon castratus Nayaran. ex Bor, Fl. Assam v. 376 (1940), in obs.

Arthraxon nitidulus Stapf ex Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 688 (1960).

Arthraxon pusillus Bor, J. Indian Bot. Soc. 50A: 92 (1971?) (1971).

Arthraxon santapaui Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 446 (1952).

Arthraxon sikkimensis Bor, Kew Bull. 7(4): 447 (1953).

Arundinaria macclureana Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 420 (1958).

Arundinaria wardii Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 418 (1958).

Arundinella griffithiana (Müll.Hal.) Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 73 (1938).

Arundinella macauensis Bor, Garcia de Orta xiii. 524 (1965).

Arundinella pumila (Hochst.) Steud. & Bor, Journ. Ind. Bot. Soc. xxvii. 62 (1948), descr. emend. et aropl.

Arundinella pygmaea Hook.f. & Bor, Journ. Ind. Bot. Soc. xxvii. 62 (1948), descr. emend. et ampl.

Arundinella setosa var. esetosa Bor ex S.M.Phillips & S.L.Chen, Novon 15(3): 468 (2005).

Arundinella vaginata Bor, Journ. Ind. Bot. Soc. xxvii. 66 (1948), cum descr. ampl.

Bhidea Stapf ex Bor, Kew Bull. 3(3): 445 (1949).

Bhidea burnsiana Bor, Kew Bull. 3(3): 445 (1949).

Bothriochloa grahamii (Haines) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 107 (1960).

Bothriochloa longifolia (Hack.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 108 (1960).

Bothriochloa oryzetorum (Hack.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 109 (1960).

Brachiaria burmanica Bor, Kew Bull. 5(2): 232 (1950).

Brachiaria nilagirica Bor, Bot. Tidsskr. 67(4): 325 (1973).

Brachiaria villosa var. barbata Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 286 (1960).

Calamagrostis garhwalensis C.E.Hubb. & Bor, Indian Forester 68: 355 (1942).

Calamagrostis pseudophragmites var. tartarica (Hook.f.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 396 (1960), nom. illeg.

Capillipedium longisetosum Bor, Brittonia 16: 227 (1964).

Capillipedium nagense Bor, Brittonia 16: 228 (1964).

Capillipedium planipedicellatum Bor, Kew Bull. 4(2): 222 (1949).

Capillipedium sulcatum Bor, Bot. Tidsskr. 67(4): 324 (1973).

Capillipedium venustum (Thwaites) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 113 (1960).

Castellia tuberculosa (Moris) Bor, Indian Forester 74: 90 (1948).

Catapodium rigescens (Grossh.) Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 52 (1970).

Cephalostachyum scandens Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 419 (1958).

Chrysopogon echinulatus (Nees ex Steud.) Bor, Grasses W. Pakistan 1(Panicoid.): 101 (1958).

Chrysopogon perlaxus Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 157 (1965).

Chrysopogon velutinus (Hook.f.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 119 (1960).

Chumsriella Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 467 (1968).

Chumsriella thailandica Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 467 (1968).

Cleistogenes gatacrei (Stapf) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 487 (1960).

Coelachne minuta Bor, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 58: 317 (1961).

Coelachne soerensenii Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xx. 149 (1962).

Coelachyropsis Bor, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 75: 23 (1972).

Coelachyropsis lagopoides Bor, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 75: 25, nom. nov. (1972).

Coelachyrum piercei (Benth.) Bor, Kew Bull. 7(2): 226 (1952).

Coelorachis cancellata (Ridl.) Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xx. 168 (1962).

Coelorachis khasiana (Hack.) Stapf ex Bor, Indian Forest Rec. n.s., i. Bot., 101 (1939).

Coelorachis mollicoma (Hance) Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xx. 169 (1962).

Colpodium afghanicum Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 57 (1970).

Colpodium gillettii Bor, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 25: 64 (1963).

Colpodium himalaicum (Hook.f.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 529 (1960).

Colpodium nutans (Stapf) Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 54 (1970).

Colpodium tibeticum Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 270 (1953).

Colpodium villosum Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 57 (1970).

Colpodium wallichii (Hook.f.) Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 270, in adnot. (1953).

Cymbopogon calciphilus Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 157 (1965).

Cymbopogon hookeri (Munro ex Hack.) Stapf ex Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 92 (1938).

Cymbopogon khasianus (Hack.) Stapf ex Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 92 (1938).

Cymbopogon nardus var. confertiflorus (Steud.) Stapf ex Bor, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 51: 905 (1953).

Cymbopogon olivieri (Boiss.) Bor, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 25: 62 (1963).

Cymbopogon siamensis Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 158 (1965).

Cymbopogon tibeticus Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 275 (1953).

Cymbopogon travancorensis Bor, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 51: 903, in clavi, sine descr. lat.; etin Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. lii. 174 (1954) (1954).

Cymbopogon virgatus Stapf ex Bor, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 52: 168 (1954).

Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt ex Bor, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 112: 185 (1965).

Cyrtococcum deccanense Bor, Kew Bull. 11(2): 255 (1956).

Cyrtococcum muricatum (Retz.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 291 (1960).

Dactyloctenium henrardianum Bor, Blumea, Suppl. 3: 44 (1946).

Danthonia jacquemontii Bor, Kew Bull. 7(1): 80 (1952), nom. inval.

Danthoniopsis griffithiana (Müll.Hal.) Bor, Fl. Assam v. 187 (1940).

Deyeuxia chaseana Bor, Brittonia 14: 48 (1962).

Deyeuxia griffithii Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 272 (1970).

Deyeuxia hackelii Bor, Kew Bull. 9(3): 497 (1954).

Deyeuxia holciformis (Jaub. & Spach) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 398 (1960).

Deyeuxia kashmiriana Bor, Kew Bull. 9(4): 558 (1955).

Deyeuxia munroi (Boiss.) Bor, Indian Forester 66: 419, cum descr. ampl. (1940).

Deyeuxia nagarum Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 69 (1938).

Deyeuxia nepalensis Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 411 (1958).

Deyeuxia parsana Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 42 (1948).

Deyeuxia rosea Bor, Kew Bull. 9(3): 498 (1954).

Deyeuxia simlensis Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 3: 149 (1941).

Deyeuxia tianschanica (Rupr.) Bor, Kew Bull. 4(1): 66, in adnot. (1949).

Deyeuxia tibetica Bor, Kew Bull. 4(1): 66 (1949).

Dichanthium theinlwinii Bor, Kew Bull. 4(2): 223 (1949).

Dicliptera minbuensis Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 3: 146 (1941).

Digitaria duthieana Henrard ex Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 273 (1953).

Digitaria larsenii Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xx. 157 (1962).

Digitaria stewartiana Bor, Kew Bull. 6(2): 166 (1951).

Dimeria acutipes Bor, Kew Bull. 7(4): 560 (1953).

Dimeria ballardii Bor, Kew Bull. 7(4): 584 (1953).

Dimeria blatteri Bor, Kew Bull. 4(1): 70 (1949).

Dimeria ceylanica Bor, Kew Bull. 7(4): 562 (1953).

Dimeria deccanensis Bor, Kew Bull. 7(4): 578 (1953).

Dimeria fischeri Bor, Kew Bull. 7(4): 564 (1953).

Dimeria keenanii Bor, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 28: 299 (1968).

Dimeria orissae Bor, Kew Bull. 7(4): 579 (1953).

Dimeria velutina (Hack.) Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 458, cum descr. ampl. (1952).

Duthiea nepalensis Bor, Kew Bull. 8(4): 550 (1954).

Eragrostiella Bor, Indian Forester 66: 269; et in Fl. Assam, v. 105 (1940). (1940).

Eragrostiella bifaria (Vahl) Bor, Flora of Assam 5 (1940).

Eragrostiella bifaria (Vahl) Bor, Indian Forester 66: 270, in obs.; et in Fl. Assam, v. 107 (1940). In obs. (1940).

Eragrostiella brachyphylla (Stapf) Bor, Indian Forester 66: 270, in obs.; et in Fl. Assam, v. 105 (1940), in obs. (1940).

Eragrostiella collettii (Stapf) Bor, Indian Forester 66: 270, in obs.; et in Fl. Assam, v. 105 (1940), in obs. (1940).

Eragrostiella leioptera (Stapf) Bor, Indian Forester 66: 270, in obs.; et in Fl. Assam, v. 106 (1940). (1940).

Eragrostiella nardoides (Trin.) Bor, Indian Forester 66: 270, in obs.; et in Fl. Assam, v. 107 (1940). in obs. (1940).

Eragrostiella secunda (Nees ex Steud.) Bor, Indian Forester 66: 270, in obs.; et in Fl. Assam, v. 107 (1940), in obs. (1940).

Eragrostiella walkeri (Stapf) Bor, Indian Forester 66: 270, in obs.; et in Fl. Assam, v. 107 (1940), (1940).

Eragrostis burmanica Bor, Kew Bull. 6(2): 166 (1951).

Eragrostis deccanensis Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 507 (1960).

Eragrostis maderaspatana Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 509 (1960).

Eragrostis theinlwinii Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 3: 144 (1941).

Erianthus wardii Bor, Kew Bull. 9(3): 498 (1954).

Erianthus williamsii Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 413 (1958).

× Euchlaezea Janaki ex Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 266 (1960), hybr. artef., sine descr. lat.

Euchlaezea × mertonensis Janaki ex Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 266 (1960), hybr. artef., sine descr. lat.

Eulalia bicornuta Bor, Kew Bull. 5(2): 258 (1950).

Eulalia manipurensis Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 156 (1960).

Eulalia siamensis Bor, Kew Bull. 9(3): 499 (1954).

Eulalia smitinandiana Bor, Kew Bull. 11(2): 256 (1956).

Eulalia staintonii Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 411 (1958).

Eulalia wightii (Hook.f.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 158 (1960).

Eulaliopsis sykesii Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 412 (1958).

Festuca afghanica Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 76 (1970).

Festuca crispato-pilosa Bor, Webbia 23: 585 (1969).

Garnotia puchiparensis Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 2: 234 (1941).

Gleditsia assamica Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 2: 231 (1941).

Gymnopogon delicatulus (C.B.Clarke) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 472 (1960).

Helictotrichon asperum (Munro ex Thwaites) Bor, Indian Forest Rec. n.s., i. Bot., 68 (1938).

Helictotrichon burmanicum Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 445 (1952).

Helictotrichon parviflorum (Hook.f.) Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 445, in obs. (1952).

Hemarthria debilis Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 162 (1965).

Hemarthria stolonifera Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 163 (1965).

Heteropogon fischerianus Bor, Kew Bull. 6(2): 170 (1951).

Hierochloë tibetica Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 271 (1953).

Hopea shingkeng (Dunn) Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 2: 227, cum descr. ampl. (1941).

Hubbardia Bor, Kew Bull. 5(3): 385 (1951).

Hubbardia heptaneuron Bor, Kew Bull. 5(3): 385 (1951).

Hyparrhenia griffithii Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 92 (1938).

Hystrix duthiei (Stapf) Bor, Indian Forester 66: 544, cum descr. ampl.; Keng in Sinensia, 1940, xi. 411 (1940).

Indochloa Bor, Kew Bull. 9(1): 75 (1954).

Indochloa clarkei (Hack.) Bor, Kew Bull. 9(1): 76 (1954).

Indochloa oligantha (Hochst. ex Steud.) Bor, Kew Bull. 9(1): 79 (1954).

Indopoa Bor, Kew Bull. 13(2): 225 (1958).

Indopoa paupercula Bor, Kew Bull. 13(2): 226 (1958), nom. inval.

Indopoa paupercula (Stapf) Bor ex Ramamoorthy, Fl. Hassan Dist. [Saldanha & Nicolson] 735 (1976).

Isachne deccanensis Bor, Kew Bull. 4(1): 95 (1949).

Isachne dimyloides Bor, Kew Bull. 4(1): 96 (1949).

Isachne fischeri Bor, Kew Bull. 4(1): 69 (1949).

Isachne oreades (Domin) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 582 (1960).

Isachne puberula Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 147 (1965).

Isachne sikkimensis Bor, Kew Bull. 4(1): 115 (1949).

Ischaemum bombaiense Bor, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 49: 165 (1950).

Ischaemum burmanicum Bor, Kew Bull. 4(4): 568 (1950).

Ischaemum dalzellii Stapf ex Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 448 (1952).

Ischaemum duthiei Stapf ex Bor, Kew Bull. 5(2): 188 (1950).

Ischaemum flumineum Bor, Kew Bull. 4(4): 572 (1950).

Ischaemum hansenii Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 470 (1968).

Ischaemum hubbardii Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 98 (1938).

Ischaemum inerme Stapf ex Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 448 (1952).

Ischaemum lacei Stapf ex Bor, Kew Bull. 5(2): 187 (1950).

Ischaemum ritchiei Stapf ex Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 449 (1952).

Ischaemum santapaui Bor, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 49: 167 (1950).

Ischaemum tumidum Stapf ex Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 450 (1952).

Ischaemum zeylanicola Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 186 (1960).

Jansenella Bor, Kew Bull. 10(1): 96 (1955).

Jansenella griffithiana (Müll.Hal.) Bor, Kew Bull. 10(1): 98 (1955).

Kabulia Bor & C.E.C.Fisch., Indian Forester 65: 611 (1939).

Kabulia akhtarii Bor & C.E.C.Fisch., Indian Forester 65: 611 (1939).

Kayea sukoeana Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 3: 148 (1941).

Leersia stipitata Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 147 (1965).

Leucopoa hedgei Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 71 (1970).

Leucopoa pseudosclerophylla (Krivot.) Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 73 (1970).

Lindbergella Bor, Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 63: 368 (1969).

Lindbergella sintenisii (H.Lindb.) Bor, Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 63: 369 (1969).

Lindbergella sintenisii (H.Lindb.) Bor, in R.D. Meikle, Fl. Cyprus 2: 1747, 1897 (1985): (1985).

Lindbergia Bor, Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 62: 467 (1968).

Lophochloa amblyantha (Boiss.) Bor, in R.D. Meikle, Fl. Cyprus 2: 1769, 1897 (1985): (1985).

Lophochloa berythea (Boiss. & C.I.Blanche) Bor, Taxon xvi. 68 (1967).

Lophochloa cavanillesii (Trin.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 445 (1960).

Lophochloa clarkeana (Domin) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 445 (1960).

Lophochloa pumila (Desf.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 445 (1960).

Lophopogon duthiei Stapf ex Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 689 (1960).

Manisuris acuminata var. woodrowii Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan 191 (1960).

Manisuris clarkei (Hack.) Bor in Santapau, Rec. Bot. Surv. India xvi. 1. 357(1953).

Manisuris talbotii (Hook.f.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 192 (1960).

Microstegium petiolare (Hack.) Bor, Indian Forest Rec. n.s., i. Bot., 87 (1939).

Microstegium petiolare (Trin.) Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 87 (1938).

Miscanthus taylorii Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 273 (1953).

Miscanthus wardii Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 274 (1953).

Nardurus subulatus (Banks & Sol.) Bor, Biol. Skr. xiv. No. 4 (Symb. Afghan. VI.) 67(1965).

Narenga fallax (Balansa) Bor, Kew Bull. 3(2): 162 (1948).

Narenga porphyrocoma (Hance) Bor, Indian Forester 66: 268, descr.; et in Fl. Assam, v. 316 (1940). (1940).

Nastus holttumianus Bor, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 120(1-2): 90 (1972).

Ophiuros bombaiensis Bor, Kew Bull. 6(2): 167 (1951).

Orinus Hitchc. & Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 454, descr. emend. (1952).

Orinus thoroldii (Stapf ex Hemsl.) Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 454 (1952).

Oropetium villosulum Stapf ex Bor, Kew Bull. 4(4): 571 (1950).

Oryzopsis barbellata (Mez) Bor, Biol. Skr. xiv. No. 4 (Symb. Afghan. VI.) 78(1965).

Oryzopsis humilis Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 445 (1952).

Oryzopsis rechingeri Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 402 (1970).

Oryzopsis stewartiana Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 272 (1953).

Oryzopsis wendelboi Bor, Nytt Mag. Bot., Oslo i. 16 (1952).

Panicum fischeri Bor, Kew Bull. 11(2): 257 (1956).

Parapholis gracilis Bor, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 25: 63 (1963).

trib. Aeluropodeae Nevski ex Bor, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 112: 184 (1965).

Poa afghanica Bor, Kew Bull. 9(3): 501 (1954).

Poa amoena Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 140 (1948).

Poa asperifolia Bor, Kew Bull. 7(1): 130 (1952).

Poa burmanica Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 141 (1948).

Poa davisii Bor, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 31(3): 395 (1972).

Poa eleanorae Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 142 (1948).

Poa gamblei Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 144 (1948).

Poa himalayana Nees ex Steud. & Bor, Kew Bull. 6(2): 184, descr. ampl. (1951).

Poa hylobates Bor, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 7: 132 (1965).

Poa imperialis Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 414 (1958).

Poa jaunsarensis Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 143 (1948).

Poa koelzii Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 139 (1948).

Poa lahulensis Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 138 (1948).

Poa lhasaensis Bor, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 7: 132 (1965).

Poa moabitica Bor, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 31(3): 396 (1972).

Poa nephelophila Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 140 (1948).

Poa nitidespiculata Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 139 (1948).

Poa pagophila Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 38 (1970).

Poa pagophila Bor, Kew Bull. 4(2): 239 (1949).

Poa phariana Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 141 (1948).

Poa polyneuron Bor, Kew Bull. 7(2): 223 (1952).

Poa poophagorum Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 143 (1948).

Poa pseudamoena Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 276 (1953).

Poa pseudobulbosa Bor, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 31(3): 395 (1972).

Poa rhadina Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 138 (1948).

Poa roemeri Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 39 (1970).

Poa scitula Bor, in Arbok Univ. Berg., Mat.-Nat. 1963, No. 18, 39 (1964).

Poa setulosa Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 142 (1948).

Poa sikkimensis (Stapf) Bor, Kew Bull. 7(1): 130 (1952).

Poa spontanea Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 271 (1953).

Poa stapfiana Bor, Kew Bull. 4(2): 239 (1949).

Poa stewartiana Bor, Kew Bull. 6(2): 185 (1951).

Poa tibeticola Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 139 (1948).

Poa wardiana Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 143 (1948).

Pogonachne Bor, Kew Bull. 4(2): 176 (1949).

Pogonachne racemosa Bor, Kew Bull. 4(2): 176 (1949).

Polypogon hissaricus (Roshev.) Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 307 (1970).

Psammochloa Hitchc. & Bor, Kew Bull. 6(2): 190, descr. emend. (1951).

Psammochloa villosa (Trin.) Bor, Kew Bull. 6(2): 191 (1951).

Pseudodanthonia Bor & C.E.Hubb., Kew Bull. 12(3): 425 (1958).

Pseudodanthonia himalaica (Hook.f.) Bor & C.E.Hubb., Kew Bull. 12(3): 427 (1958).

Pseudodichanthium Bor, Indian Forester 66: 271 (1940).

Pseudodichanthium serrafalcoides (T.Cooke & Stapf) Bor, Indian Forester 66(5): 272 (1940).

Puccinellia ciliata Bor, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 28: 299 (1968).

Puccinellia humilis (V.I.Krecz.) Bor, Nytt Mag. Bot., Oslo i. 19 (1952), in obs.

Puccinellia kashmiriana Bor, Kew Bull. 8(2): 270 (1953).

Puccinellia minuta Bor, Nytt Mag. Bot., Oslo i. 19 (1952).

Rottboellia goalparensis Bor, Indian Forest Rec. n.s., i. Bot., 100 (1939).

Rottboellia goalparensis Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 100 (1938).

Saccharum elephantinum Nayaran. ex Bor, Fl. Assam v. App. 1. 461 (1940).

Saccharum hookeri Nayaran. ex Bor, Fl. Assam v. App. 1. 461 (1940).

Saccharum longisetosum Nayaran. ex Bor, Fl. Assam v. App. 1. 461 (1940).

Saccharum sikkimense Nayaran. ex Bor, Fl. Assam v. App. 1. 462 (1940).

Saccharum wardii (Bor) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 214 (1960).

Saccharum wardii (Bor) Bor ex Cope, Kew Bull. 35(3): 702 (1980).

Saccharum williamsii (Bor) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 214 (1960).

Saccharum williamsii (Bor) Bor ex Cope, Kew Bull. 35(3): 703 (1980).

Sacciolepis fenestrata Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 154 (1965).

Schizachyrium delavayi (Hack.) Bor, Indian Forest Rec. n.s., i. Bot., 95 (1939):.

Schizachyrium delavayi (Hack.) Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 95 (1938).

Sclerostachya milroyi Bor, Indian Forest Rec. n.s., i. Bot., 85 (1939).

Sclerostachya milroyi Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 85 (1938).

Sporobolus collettii (Hook.f.) Bor, Kew Bull. 9(3): 502 (1954).

Sporobolus kerrii Bor, Kew Bull. 4(2): 252 (1949).

Sporobolus maderaspatanus Bor, Kew Bull. 12(2): 234 (1957).

Sporobolus stocksii Bor, Kew Bull. 3(1): 45 (1948).

Sporobolus tetragonus Bor, Kew Bull. 4(2): 251 (1949).

Stipagrostis arabiifelicis Bor, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 114: 100 (1967).

Stipa atriseta Stapf ex Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 389 (1970).

Stipa chitralensis Bor, Kew Bull. 9(3): 500 (1954).

Stipa gaubae Bor, Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 70: 388 (1970).

Stipa hookeri Stapf & Bor, Kew Bull. 5(3): 319, descr. emend. et ampl. (1951).

Stipa kurdistanica Bor, Taxon xvi. 68 (1967).

Stipa munroana Bor, Kew Bull. 9(3): 500 (1954).

Stipa platypoda Bor, Biol. Skr. xiv. No. 4 (Synb. Afghan. VI.) 81(1965).

Stipa staintonii Bor, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 7: 133 (1965).

Strobilanthes andamanensis Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 2: 237 (1941).

Themeda huttonensis Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 96 (1938).

Themeda intermedia (Hack.) Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 1: 96 (1938).

Themeda mooneyi Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 451 (1952).

Themeda saxicola Bor, Kew Bull. 6(3): 452 (1952).

Thyrsostachys oliveri Gamble & Bor, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 2: 222, descr. emend. (1941).

Trikeraia Bor, Kew Bull. 9(4): 555 (1955).

Trikeraia hookeri (Stapf) Bor, Kew Bull. 9(4): 555 (1955).

Triplopogon Bor, Kew Bull. 9(1): 52 (1954).

Triplopogon ramosissimus (Hack.) Bor, Kew Bull. 9(3): 501 (1954).

Triplopogon spathiflorus (Hook.f.) Bor, Kew Bull. 9(1): 54 (1954).

Tripogon hookerianus Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 522 (1960).

Tripogon larsenii Bor, Dansk Bot. Ark. xxiii. 470 (1968).

Tripogon siamensis Bor, Journ. Ind. Bot. Soc. xlii. A. 14 (1963).

Tripogon wardii Bor, Kew Bull. 12(3): 417 (1958).

Trisetum micans (Hook.f.) Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 448 (1960).

Trisetum scitulum Bor, Kew Bull. 11(2): 212 (1956), nom. inval.

Trisetum scitulum Bor ex Chrtek, Acta Univ. Carol., Biol. 1967(2): 105 (1968), nom. inval.

Trisetum scitulum Bor ex Barberá, Syst. Bot. 42(4): 801, figs. 1, 9, 11 (2017).

36 Plant species named AFTER Bor
Updated on the 25th of May 2020

The following 36 plant species names have been described and named AFTER Bor (... borii), (… boriana), (… borianum) & (… borianus)


27 species named AFTER Bor (… borii

Agapetes borii Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 3(1): 101 (1948).

Alopecurus borii Tzvelev, Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 8: 21 (1971).

Anthoxanthum borii Jain & Pal, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 72(1): 92 (1975).

Bhidea borii Deshp., V.Prakash & N.P.Singh, Curr. Sci. 58(19): 1094 (1989).

Calamagrostis borii Tzvelev, in Akad. Nauk SSSR Bot. Inst. Komarova, Rast. Tsentral. Azii Fasc. 4, 83(1968).

Carex borii Nelmes, Kew Bull. 4(1): 38 (1949).

Carex borii f. lutea R.R.Stewart, Fl. W. Pakistan 74 (1972).

Ceropegia borii Raizada, Indian Forest Rec., Bot. 3: 121 (1941).

Corydalis borii C.E.C.Fisch., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1940(1): 31 (1940).

Deyeuxia borii S.Bhattacharya & S.K.Jain, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 25(1-4): 208, nom. nov. (1985).

Dimeria borii Sreek., V.J.Nair & N.C.Nair, J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 3(2): 657 (1982) (1982).

Dimeria mooneyi subsp. borii (Sreek., V.J.Nair & N.C.Nair) Kiran Raj & Sivad., Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 22(1): 49 (2015).

Eragrostis norman-borii S.Yadav & M.R.Almeida, Fl. Maharashtra 6A: 137 (2014), nom. illeg.

Isachne borii Hemadri, Indian Forester 97(4): 223 (1971).

Ischaemum borii M.R.Almeida, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 66: 513 (-515; fig.) (1970).

Maharanga borii (C.E.C.Fisch.) I.M.Johnst., J. Arnold Arbor. 35: 81 (1954).

Onosma borii C.E.C.Fisch., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1940(1): 38 (1940).

Ophiorrhiza borii Deb & Mondal, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79(2): 379 (1983).

Radermachera borii C.E.C.Fisch., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1940(5): 197 (1940).

Scleria borii D.M.Verma, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 29(1-4): 14 (1989).

Senecio borii Raizada, Journ. Ind. Bot. Soc. 27: 206 (1948).

Smilax griffithii var. borii Panigrahi & Naik, Curr. Sci. 33(16): 500 (-501; fig.) (1964).

Strobilanthes borii J.R.I.Wood, Kew Bull. 64(1): 25 (27; fig. 12) (2009).

Synotis borii (Raizada) R.Mathur, et in R.R. Rao et al., Fl. Ind. Enumerat. - Asterac. 74 (1988): (1986).

Synotis borii (Raizada) R.Mathur, J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 8(2): 482 (1986); (1986).

Tarenna borii C.E.C.Fisch., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1940(1): 34 (1940).

Tripogon borii Kabeer, V.J.Nair & G.V.S.Murthy, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 50(1-4): 115 (-118; fig. 1) (2009).

3 species named AFTER Bor (… boriana)

Eragrostis boriana Launert, Bol. Soc. Brot. sér. 2, 38: 6 (1964).

Festuca boriana E.B.Alexeev, Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 83(4): 115 (1978).

Roegneria boriana (Melderis) J.L.Yang & B.Rong Lu, Canad. J. Bot. 69(2): 287 (1991): (1991).

species named AFTER Bor (… borianum

Agropyron borianum Melderis, Bor, Grasses Burma, Ceyl., Ind. & Pakist. 690 (1960).

Microstegium borianum Sur, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 79(3): 652 (1983).

Phagnalon borianum Oliv., Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 3: 338 (1877).

species named AFTER Bor (… borianus

Bromus borianus H.Scholz, Willdenowia 11(1): 95 (1981).

Elymus borianus (Melderis) Cope, Fl. Pakistan 143: 617 (1982): (1982).

Elymus borianus (Melderis) Á.Löve, Feddes Repert. 95(7-8): 454 (1984).

travancore forests