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malayan fishesMalayan fishes



Charleton Neville Maxwell

Printed at the Methodist Publishing House, Singapore.



Charleton Neville Maxwell (22 June 1872 - 8 November 1940) was born at Bridge of Allan, Stirlinghshire, Scotland. He was the son of Sir William Edward Maxwell and Lilias Grant Aberigh-Mackay. He died at age 68 at Lumuk, Perak, Malaysia.

About this book: Allowing, therefore, that recorded information in the form of a hand-book on Malayan Fishes is wanted and wanted at once,, the difficulty arises that there is no one qualified or likely to be qualified for some years to write such a book.

The ichthyologists are not linguists and the linguists are not ichthyologists.

This being the position, the writer has the temerity to offer this small work, which he hopes will be of some temporary service until, in due course, the importance of the Malayan Fisheries has been established and Fishery bulletins written by specialists are produced.

The inclusion in this volume of several hundred Malay names of fishes, many published for the first time, should lighten the labours of scientists and help the Fishery Officers. No fishes have been included which have not been definitely recorded as inhabiting the seas, estuaries and fresh water of the Malay Peninsula.

The size of the work would have been trebled if fishes of Borneo, Java, Sumatra and Malay Archipelago generally, ...

More information can be found inside the Preface of this book.

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