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flora of assamFlora of Assam


Volumes 1-5

Upendra Nath Kanjilal
P. C. Kanjilal
A. Das
C. Purkayastha
R. N. De
Norman Loftus Bor

Printed at Prabasi Press, 120-2, Upper Circular Road, Calcutta, India.



Flora of Assam is by no means an untrodden ground. Wallich and Griffith explored parts of the province and Sir Joseph Hooker himself paid a visit to the Khasi Hills, Many enthusiastic collector namely Klien of Cachar, De Silva, of Sylhet, Peal of Sibsagar and Commissioner Jenkins of the Brahmaputra Valley contributed large numbers of specimens to the Sibpur herbarium. In recent times perhaps the most energetic worker in this field was Mr. C. B. Clarke, who traversed the whole province several times on foot and made a very extensive collection. Mr. Gustav Mann the first Conservator of Forests in Assam) has left for his successors a fairly large collection of specimens besides generally contributing to the Sibpur herbarium. Mr. Burkill visited parts of the Khasi Hills and N.E. F. Tract.

Parties of the Botanical Survey of India have, from time to time, been sent out from Sibpur to collect specimen in selected localities. What was wanting was that no one collected with any idea of presenting to the public a comprehensive 'Flora of Assam' ...

More information can be found in the Introduction part of this book, pages ii to v

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