tri certifiedThe Rainforest Initiative Certification™
 A stamp of approval for a sustainable future in agricultural & allied products.

committed to conserving...™

The Rainforest Initiative Certification™

The Rainforest Initiative believes in fostering a sustainable future in the world of agriculture. To ensure and encourage this, we at TRI have set up a certification system that identifies the right farming practices. A stamp of approval from us indicates that the company involved in agriculture is following the guidelines laid out by TRI. These are in place to make sure that the practices being implemented are not harmful to the environment. There are seven specific points that TRI stresses to give a comprehensive

tri certifiedOne of the first tenets of our certification system is that the cultivation has to be rainfed and not irrigated. This is done so that not just agriculture, but water is safeguarded for the future. TRI is not against the use of fertilisers or pesticides if you choose to use them. But if you are thinking about it, the percentage of these substances should be less than 5%. When either of the substances is used in excess, it can damage the soil. Also, the grains being cultivated need to be traditional or indigenous to the region. Additionally, they can be used for sowing purposes.

Taking into account the quality of the soil and how it can be secured, brings us to the question of hybrid seeds. If a company has to be certified by TRI, these kinds of seeds cannot be used. We also keep an eye on how the people around these agricultural areas are being treated. So, we encourage firms to source their grains from the tribal population and farmers of such regions.

When talking about the environment, it naturally brings us to the act of recycling. Something that not we are not doing enough at the moment but one that TRI would like to promote through our certification process. What is cultivated needs to be packed and that has to be in the form of a reusable package. Ultimately, this should lead to it being recycled. People who buy the products would be more tempted to purchase them if they are sure that the packaging is recyclable. Another reason why we encourage this practice.

Talking about the package being used and its impact is to look at the carbon footprint that is left behind. Keeping this to a minimum is not only possible but also our responsibility. This becomes even more important when we are in the supply chain stage of an operation. It is an area where there is a real chance for a carbon footprint to be increased. Efforts made to reduce this will reflect well on your company. It extends to any quality assurance measures you have taken as well. All of these are small ways by which we can repay nature.

TRI aims to bring about a new generation of cultivators and cultivation practices around us. By following these guidelines, you are helping yourself and the environment around you. We have a dedicated portal that is ready to help you at all times. So, if you have further question regarding this certification process, get in touch with us at

Looking forward to creating a brighter future with you.