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fresh water algae of east indiaAlgae aqua dulcis Indiae orientalis
The fresh-water algae (principally Desmidieae) of East India



William Barwell Turner

Published by Norstedt & Söner, Stockholm, Sweden.



William Barwell Turner (1845 - 1917) wwas a botanist and expert on the Desmidieae. He became President of the Leeds Naturalists' Club in 1881.

Whilst pursuing my studies on the Desmidieae in 1882-3 I received each year from Mr. J. SUTHERLAND, then travelling in India, two small bottles containing Algae, collected in Central and Northern India the exact localities not being clearly stated. Among the Algae were many Desmidieae, some being apparently new.

In determining these in 1883-4. I had recourse to the only memoir upon the Indian Desmidieae, that of Dr. G. C. WALLICH, F. L. S. ('Descriptions of Desmidieae from Lower Bengal', in the Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist, vol. V, ser. 3, pp. 184, 273, 1860), but that failed to assist me very much, as the memoir itself had been only partially proceeded with. However, in 1884 I communicated with Dr. WALLICH, from whom I received a most courteous reply containing a very kind offer to place the residue of his 1855 gatherings at my disposal ; which offer was most gladly accepted by me. Learning, in the meanwhile, that Dr. W. had presented slides of Desmids, and also his original Manuscript and sketches ...

More information can be found in the Fore-ward of this book.

The standard author abbreviation used to indicate this person as the author, when citing a botanical name: W.B.Turner

0 plant species named BY Turner and 0 plant species named AFTER Turner.

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